Bulk Orders
For making a bulk order, please email your requirements to onpery@careformlabs.com.
For bulk orders, the PeriodRoom™ novel can be customized into shorter editions and in any local language.
ONPERY® GRAPHICAL - PeriodRoom™ | HARD COPY | Menstruation, Discharges, Reproduction & Body Development
Onpery Graphical - PeriodRoom™ is a graphical (hard copy novel and video narrations) on menstruation, discharges, reproduction and body development.
The novel is for children aged 11 to 16 (or children in classes 5 to 10).
The novel is designed in an:
- informative,
- engaging,
- age-appropriate manner; and
- reviewed by domain experts.
Graphic Novels
Onpery Collective: Well-being Literacy
Aims to provide stakeholder-friendly educational materials (Onpery Graphical Novels) on puberty-led well-being topics to children aged 7 to 16, through their associated orphanages and academic institutes.